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STREAM Family Nights are open to families with students of all grades!
Please join us for a night to learn and explore together! The night will begin with pizza and a beverage served at 5:00 and activities will begin at 5:30. Students need to be signed up with a parent or adult to attend with them.
St. Francis S.T.R.E.A.M. Family Nights will happen monthly and will have no fee associated. We are excited to provide this family opportunity for all of our school families.
5:00 Doors open for Pizza
5:30 Challenge Announced
6:45 Award Ceremony
The event is free to attend. Free will offering accepted.
Parent(s)/Adult must be with child(ren) the entire evening.
Let us know if you will be attending! We need to know how many kits to have available and stations to set up. One per family. Please RSVP here!